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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A little about me

Hello and welcome to my blog, I am a 23 year old successful account manager for Microsoft. I paid off all 30K+ of my student debt, bought a brand new BMW Roadster and own a condo on the beaches of San Diego. I have helped my parents pay off their debt and am currently helping put my younger siblings through college. All of this I would have thought completely impossible two years ago...

... Two years ago I graduated from a private university with a degree in business and a minor in accounting. I was a 'B' student and could not wait to graduate and make my mark on the world. As I soon found out however, the outside world is not near as friendly or as easy as I once thought it would be. All through college I told myself that all I had to do was make it through, graduate and then I would be set. An amazing job would fall into my lap, I would meet the girl of my dreams, and I would live on the beach. Reality set in fast however, and I quickly realized that life after college was much more demanding then life during college. I soon learned the fact that unlike a couple decades ago when our parents went to college, in today's world almost everyone goes to college. Having a college degree in 1970 meant you were automatically in the 90th percentile. Your degree qualified you for most any type of work and the competition was candidates without degrees. Today however, this is not the case, every career you look into is looking for someone with a college degree and when you do find the dream career, you realize that there are a million other people just as qualified or more qualified then you applying for the same position. This was the bitter truth I realized after I graduated from college and I am sure most of you have come to realize the same thing...

... Well I am here to tell you that you can get that dream job, you can live the life you have always wanted to and you do not have to have a doctorate degree and 20 years of experience like all of the job postings say you do. You do not have to settle for starting in the same place as a college drop out and hoping you can work your way up. There are millions of career options out there for you, all you have to do is have the drive to succeed and you will.

The purpose of this blog is to show you step by step how I found my dream job and how you can find yours. I am doing this because I know what it is like to be where you are at and if I can help you fulfill your dreams then I know I have helped our planet as a whole by putting you in a position to make similar contributions to your colleagues.

Getting Started

The first step in this process is one that many overlook as unimportant and not worth their time. However, the first thing you must remember throughout this entire process is that attention to detail and following each step is vital to your success. The more steps you skip the less likely you will ever see your dreams come true and the more likely you will be stuck in a dead end job for the rest of your life.

The most important step in achieving your goals is having the correct frame of mind. Many people do not realize how much our inner emotions affect our outer life. We feel that as long as we put on a smile and keep our real feelings hidden we can go through life fooling everyone. This is dog crap, our emotions play a huge role in our lives and people looking at our lives will be able to see straight through our masks. Now does this mean you have to be the happiest person in the world to get a good job? No not at all. What this means is that in order to get the career of your dreams, you have to believe that you can have the career of your dreams. You have to approach every interview with the mindset that I will be a huge asset to this company and will bring this company a wealth of knowledge and success. By doing this you not only build up your self confidence, you also show your potential employer that you are the best candidate.
I suggest that before you go into any interview you look at yourself in the mirror and repeat to yourself "I am the most qualified candidate for this position, I will meet and succeed this employer's every expectation and I will meet my goals and fulfill my dreams." Now this is obviously just a helpful exercise to help reassure yourself but in the end it comes down to belief. It is critical that you believe in yourself and believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.
This is not going to happen over night, it took me a long time to perfect this simple step and even to this day I am constantly reminding myself that I will achieve all of my goals and see all my dreams come true. It is a constant work in progress that you will get better and better at the more you use it. You will start to notice that when you are in an interview, the person interviewing you is leaning forward, excited and listening to everything you have to say. This is when you know that they think they have found the perfect candidate, now all that is left for you to do is prove to them that you are that candidate.